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Francoise Obissier <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 16:52:16 -0400
text/plain (165 lines)
PAHO News Index:

- Dengue epidemics prompt emergency campaigns
Epidemics of dengue and its more serious form, dengue hemorrhagic fever, in El
Salvador and other countries have prompted emergency campaigns to control the
outbreaks, showing the fact that dengue is basically a problem of domestic
sanitation.  PAHO is supporting the governments of El Salvador and other
countries affected by dengue, and has sent experts, supported the purchase of
insecticides and supplies in order to combat the mosquito Aedes aegypti,
carrier of the disease, and produced informative material for the affected
This contribution will be used to support an initiative that PAHO is
undertaking with the First Ladies of the Americas entitled the Integrated
Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) program. According to PAHO's Director,
Dr. George Alleyne, "This donation by Merck will help to reduce child mortality
and improve the health status of the most vulnerable populations in rural
communities in selected Central American and Andean countries." The IMCI
Program, one of PAHO's highest priorities, is an effective, low-cost strategy
for improving the quality of child health and health care in health facilities,
households and communities that relies on simple public health interventions,
preventive measures taken at home, early diagnosis, effective treatment, and
strengthening health systems to reduce the risk and consequences of childhood
illness. Health personnel at all levels learn to quickly evaluate a child's
overall health status and determine if the child can be treated for diarrhea or
pneumonia or needs immediate hospitalization to save his life.
- Globalization, Health Trends in the Americas Examined
A new publication from PAHO brings together some two dozen of the presentations
made at a conference on health and human development in the new global economy,
with a special focus on the contributions and perspectives of civil society in
the Region of the Americas.
- Meeting on public health topics results in 17 agreements
Seventeen agreements on topics ranging from AIDS to health sector reform
resulted from the recent two-day meeting between Health Ministers, Social
Security officials and representatives from the water and sanitation industry
in Central America and the Dominican Republic. The conference, known as
RESSCAD, was started 50 years ago in Central America by the health ministers.
- Ministers of Health Meet for Annual Hemispheric Meeting
Ministers of Health of the Western Hemisphere will meet in Washington, D.C. on
25 September for a weeklong meeting of the Directing Council to discuss themes
that affect the development and well-being of the peoples of the Region.
- Publication of your articles, announcements and job openings in SYNERGY
- A bientot!:
As I will be absent for a short while from writing these newsletters, I am
passing along the pen to Doris Hollett, who will be replacing me for the next
four weeks. During this time, please contact her if you wish to submit an
article for publication in Synergy Online or in PAHO News. Thank you for your
cooperation.  You can reach Doris by telephone at 613-241-5785 ext. 329 or by
email at [log in to unmask]
Francoise Obissier, Webmaster, CSIH

PS. If you do not have access to the Web, please let
us know.

Synergy Online is a service of the Canadian Society for International Health.

Visit our Website at and become a member.

Synergy Online Index:

- Extension of CSIH Bolivia Project: The Hon. Maria Minna approved an
additional funding of $377,000
- Invitation to PAHO/WHO Canadian Collaborating Centres
Annual Meeting: November 12, 2000 at 9:30 - Hull (Quebec)
- Today ACPD Hosted the Canadian Release of the UNFPA's State of World
Population 2000 report "Lives Together, Worlds Apart: Men and Women in a Time
of Change"
- Statement by Nafis Sadik, Executive Director of the United Nations Population
Fund, For the launch of the State of World Population 2000 Report
Statement and hyperlink to the Report on UNFPA site
- Trade mission to the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank
Health,Nutrition and Population Sectors Chaired by the Hounourable Lucie Pepin,
Senator Washington, D.C. - November 1 to 3, 2000
- A bientot!:
As I will be absent for a short while from writing these newsletters, I am
passing along the pen to Doris Hollett, who will be replacing me for the next
four weeks. During this time, please contact her if you wish to submit an
article for publication in Synergy Online or in PAHO News. Thank you for your
cooperation.  You can reach Doris by telephone at 613-241-5785 ext. 329 or by
email at [log in to unmask]
Francoise Obissier, Webmaster, CSIH
- Publication of your articles, announcements and job openings in SYNERGY
- Future Annual Meeting Dates and Sites of the American Public Health
- A French epidemiology graduate course is now available on the net
- Canadian Healthcare Association Press Inventory Sale
- WHO New Publications

PS. If you do not have access to the Web, please let us know.

Synergie-en-direct est un service offert par la Societe canadienne de sante

Visitez notre site web : et devenez membre.

Sommaire de Synergie-en-direct:

- Prolongation du projet Bolivie de la SCSI: une subvention supplementaire de
377 000$ vient d'etre approuvee par l'hon. Maria Minna
- Invitation aux Centres de collaboration OPS:reunion annuelle: dimanche 12
novembre 2000, a partir de 9h30 a Hull .
- Aujourd'hui L'ACPD a ete l'hote du lancement canadien du rapport sur L'etat
de la population mondiale 2000, < Vivre ensemble, dans des mondes separes :
Hommes et Femmes a une epoque de changements
- Declaration de Mme Nafis Sadik, Directrice executive du Fonds des Nations
Unies pour la Population a l'occasion du lancement du rapport sur l'Etat de la
population mondiale en 2000
Declaration et hyperliens vers le Rapport sur le site internet du UNFPA
- Mission commerciale a la Banque mondiale et a la Banque interamericaine de
developpement, Secteurs de la sante, de la nutrition et de la population - 1er
au 3 Novembre 2000
- A bientot:
Quittant pour quelques temps ces lignes, je remets la plume a Doris Hollett qui
me remplacera le temps de quatre petites semaines. Durant ce laps de temps,
veuillez communiquer avec Doris si vous souhaitez faire publier un article dans
Synergie-en-direct ou dans PAHO News. Je vous remercie de votre collaboration.
Le numero de telephone de Doris est le 613-241-5785 poste 329 et son adresse
electronique est [log in to unmask]
- Publication de vos articles, annonces et offres d'emploi dans
Lignes directrices
- Dates et lieu des futures reunions annuelles de l'American Public Health
- Un cours d'epidemiologie aux niveaux de la maitrise et du doctorat
entierement sur le web pour la communaute francophone
- Solde d'inventaire des Presses de l'Association canadienne des soins de sante
- Nouvelles parutions de l'OMS

PS. Si vous n'avez pas acces au Web, veuillez nous le faire savoir.