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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Dennis Raphael <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Oct 1998 09:56:13 -0400
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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
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The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion outlines advocacy and mediation
among different sectors as an important means of promoting health, SO

Following is a forwarded e-mail list for members of the US Congress.

Also, the email address for the president is: [log in to unmask]

Very best wishes and luck,

Dennis R.

>***      Black Graduate Student Organization--University Of Florida  ***
>***              Box 34--310E J. Wayne Reitz Union                   ***
>***              P.O. Box 118505                                     ***
>***              Gainesville, FL 32611                               ***
>***              (352) 392-1665 x324                                 ***
>***                                                                  ***
>***          email: [log in to unmask]                               ***
>***          web page :                   ***
>***                                                                  ***
>*** President:  Kimberly Coward   [log in to unmask]         ***
>*** Vice Pres:  Tahra Edwards     [log in to unmask]                 ***
>*** Treasurer:  Ali Abdel-Hadi    846-5307                          ***
>*** Historian: Jamie Johnson     [log in to unmask]                       ***
>*** Secretary:  Fredline MCormack [log in to unmask]                   ***
>The following is a list of email addresses for members of the U.S.
>Congress. Contact your senator or house representative on matters which are
>important to you. Those elected officials with e-mail address will only
>respond to mail from their constituents, so include your locality,
>especially if you are registered to vote there.
>E-Mail Addresses for the United States Congress:
>Sen. Jeff Sessions [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Richard Shelby [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Spencer Bachus [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Sonny Callahan [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bud Cramer [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Terry Everett [log in to unmask]
> ---------
>Sen Ted Stevens [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Frank Murkowski [log in to unmask]
> ---------
>Sen. Jon Kyl [log in to unmask]
>Sen. John McCain [log in to unmask]
>Rep. J. D. Hayworth [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jim Kolbe [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Ed Pastor [log in to unmask]
> ---------
>Sen. Dale Bumpers [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Tim Hutchinson senator [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jay Dickey [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Tim Hutchinson [log in to unmask]
> ---------
>Sen. Barbara Boxer [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Dianne Feinstein [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Brian Bilbray [log in to unmask]
>Rep. George Brown [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Tom Campbell [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Chris Cox [log in to unmask]
>Rep. David Dreier [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Anna Eshoo [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Sam Farr [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Vic Fazio [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jane Harman [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Tom Lantos [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jerry Lewis [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Zoe Lofgren [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Howard McKeon [log in to unmask]
>Rep. George Miller [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Ron Packard [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Nancy Pelosi [log in to unmask]
>Rep. George Radanovich [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Frank Riggs [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Fortney 'Pete' Stark [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Lynn C. Woolsey [log in to unmask]
> ----------
>Sen. Wayne Allard
>Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Dan Schaefer [log in to unmask]
>Rep. David Skaggs [log in to unmask]
> ----------
>Sen. Christopher Dodd. [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Joseph Lieberman. [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Sam Gejdenson [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Christopher Shays [log in to unmask]
> ----------
>Sen. Joseph Biden [log in to unmask]
>Sen. William Roth
>Rep. Michael Castle [log in to unmask]
> ----------
>Sen. Bob Graham [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Connie Mack [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Michael Bilirakis [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Charles Canady [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Peter Deutsch [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Alcee Hastings [log in to unmask]
>Rep. John Mica [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Dan Miller [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Cliff Stearns [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Karen Thurman [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Dave Weldon [log in to unmask]
> ----------
>Sen. Max Cleland [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Paul Coverdell [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Saxby Chambliss [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Mac Collins [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Newt Gingrich [log in to unmask]
>Rep. John Linder [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Charlie Norwood [log in to unmask]
> ----------
>Sen. Daniel Akaka
>Sen. Daniel Inouye [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Neil Abercrombie [log in to unmask]
> ----------
>Sen. Larry Craig [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Dirk Kempthorne [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Helen Chenoweth [log in to unmask]
> ----------
>Sen. Richard Durbin
>Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jerry Costello [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Harris Fawell [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Luis Gutierrez [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Dennis Hastert [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Ray LaHood [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bobby Rush [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jerry Weller [log in to unmask]
> ----------
>Sen. Dan Coats
>Sen. Richard Lugar [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Lee Hamilton [log in to unmask]
>Rep. John Hostettler [log in to unmask]
>Rep. David McIntosh [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Tim Roemer [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Mark Souder [log in to unmask]
> -----------
>Sen. Charles Grassley [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Tom Harkin [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jim Nussle [log in to unmask]
> -----------
>Sen. Sam Brownback [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Pat Roberts
>Rep. Todd Tiahrt [log in to unmask]
> -----------
>Sen. Wendell Ford [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Mitch McConnell [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jim Bunning [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Ed Whitfield [log in to unmask]
> -----------
>Sen. John Breaux [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Mary Landrieu [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jim McCrery [log in to unmask]
> -----------
>Sen. Olympia Snowe [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Susan Collins [log in to unmask]
>Rep. John Baldacci [log in to unmask]
> -----------
>Sen. Barbara Mikulski. [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Paul Sarbanes [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Ben Cardin [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Robert Ehrlich, Jr. [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Albert Wynn [log in to unmask]
> -----------
>Sen Edward Kennedy [log in to unmask]
>Sen. John Kerry [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Martin Meehan [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Joe Moakley [log in to unmask]
>Rep. John Olver [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. Spencer Abraham [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Carl Levin [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Dave Camp [log in to unmask]
>Rep. John Conyers, Jr. [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Vernon Ehlers [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Peter Hoekstra [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Lynn Rivers [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Nick Smith [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bart Stupak [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Fred Upton [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. Rod Grams [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Paul Wellstone [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Gil Gutknecht [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bill Luther [log in to unmask]
>Rep. David Minge [log in to unmask]
>Rep. James Oberstar [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Collin Peterson [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jim Ramstad [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Martin Sabo [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bruce Vento [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. Thad Cochran [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Trent Lott [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bennie Thompson [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Roger Wicker [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. John Ashcroft [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Christopher Bond [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jo Ann Emerson [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Richard Gephardt [log in to unmask]
>Rep. James Talent [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. Max Baucus [log in to unmask]
>Sen Conrad Burns [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. Charles Hagel [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Bob Kerrey [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jon Cristensen [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. Harry Reid [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Richard Bryan [log in to unmask]
>Rep. John Ensign [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>New Hampshire
>Sen. Judd Gregg [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Bob Smith [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Charles Bass [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>New Jersey
>Sen. Frank Lautenberg [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Robert Toricelli [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Robert Andrews [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bob Franks [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>New Mexico
>Sen. Jeff Bingaman [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Pete Domenici [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>New York
>Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Alfonse D'Amato [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Sherwood Boehlert [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Eliot Engel [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Michael Forbes [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Maurice Hinchey [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Sue Kelly [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Peter King [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Rick Lazio [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Nita Lowey [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Carolyn Maloney [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Thomas Manton [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Michael McNulty [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Susan Molinari [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jerrold Nadler [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bill Paxon [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Charles Rangel [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jose Serrano [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jim Walsh [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>North Carolina
>Sen Lauch Faircloth [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Jesse Helms [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Cass Ballenger [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Richard Burr [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Sue Myrick [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Charles Taylor [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Mel Watt [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>North Dakota
>Sen. Kent Conrad [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Byron Dorgan [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Earl Pomeroy [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. Mike DeWine [log in to unmask]
>Sen. John Glenn [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Sherrod Brown [log in to unmask]
>Rep. John Kasich [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Michael Oxley [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Rob Portman [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Deborah Pryce [log in to unmask]
>Rep. James Traficant [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. James Inhofe
>Sen. Don Nickles [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Ernest J. Istook, Jr. [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. Gordon Smith [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Ron Wyden [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Peter DeFazio [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Elizabeth Furse [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Sen. Rick Santorum [log in to unmask]
>Sen Arlen Specter [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jon Fox [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Paul Kanjorski [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Paul McHale [log in to unmask]
>Rep.John Murtha [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Curt Weldon [log in to unmask]
> ------------
>Rhode Island
>Sen. John Chafee [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Jack Reed
> ------------
>South Carolina
>Sen. Ernest Hollings [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Strom Thurmond [log in to unmask]
>Rep. James E. Clyburn [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bob Inglis [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Mark Sanford [log in to unmask]
>Rep. John Spratt [log in to unmask]
> -------------
>South Dakota
>Sen. Tom Daschle [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Tim Johnson [log in to unmask]
> -------------
>Sen. Bill Frist [log in to unmask]
>Sen Fred Thompson [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bob Clement [log in to unmask]
>Rep. J.J. Duncan [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Harold Ford [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bart Gordon [log in to unmask]
> -------------
>Sen. Phil Gramm
>Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Joe Barton [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Lloyd Doggett [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Martin Frost [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Henry Gonzales [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Gene Green [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Sam Johnson [log in to unmask]
> -------------
>Sen. Robert Bennett [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Orrin Hatch [log in to unmask]
> -------------
>Sen. Jim Jeffords [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Patrick Leahy [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bernie Sanders [log in to unmask]
> -------------
>Sen. Charles Robb [log in to unmask]
>Sen. John Warner [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Rick Boucher [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Thomas Davis [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bob Goodlatte [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jim Moran [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Owen Pickett [log in to unmask]
> -------------
>Sen. Slade Gorton [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Patty Murray [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jennifer Dunn [log in to unmask]
>Rep. George Nethercutt [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Linda Smith [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Rick White [log in to unmask]
> -------------
>West Virginia
>Sen. Robert Byrd [log in to unmask]
>Sen. John Rockefeller III [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Nick Rahall [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Bob Wise [log in to unmask]
> -------------
>Sen. Russell Feingold [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Herb Kohl [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Thomas Barrett [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Jerry Kleczka [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Scott Klug [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Mark Neumann [log in to unmask]
>Rep. Tom Petri [log in to unmask]
>Rep. James Sensenbrenner [log in to unmask]
> -----------
>Sen. Craig Thomas [log in to unmask]
>Sen. Mike Enzi [log in to unmask]
> -----------
>Del. Robert Underwood [log in to unmask]
>If your legislator is not listed, it is because his office has decided
>not to participate in the email program for a variety of reasons,
>including the costs of staff to administer the email account.
>The snail mail addresses for congresspersons can be found by
>zip code search at the C-SPAN site -
> --------------------------------------------------
>Kevin Michael Foster       [log in to unmask]      (512) 280-2597
>Immediate Past President, National Black Graduate Student Association
>Doctoral Student, The University of Texas at Austin
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   Canalising a river
   Grafting a fruit tree
   Educating a person
   Transforming a state
   These are instances of fruitful criticism
   And at the same time instances of art.
       -Bertolt Brecht

Dennis Raphael, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Associate Director,
Masters of Health Science Program in Health Promotion
Department of Public Health Sciences
Graduate Department of Community Health
University of Toronto
McMurrich Building, Room 101
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5S 1A8
voice:    (416) 978-7567
fax: (416) 978-2087
e-mail:   [log in to unmask]