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Health Promotion on the Internet


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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
"Kalda, Robyn" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 15:51:18 -0400
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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
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> -----Original Message-----
> There was no purpose to send such a snarky email to the 
> entire listserve 
> only to vent your frustrations.

I sympathize with the computer-challenged and with those for whom English is difficult.  As a long-time listserv admin (not of Click4HP, but of many others), I have to disagree that the snark had no purpose.  

Misplaced "UNSUB ME" messages are annoying and time-consuming, not just to list admins. Those that do accidentally make it to the list end up permanently archived online, lowering the signal-to-noise ratio for anyone conducting a search. (So do those awful out-of-office messages people feel compelled to use, but we can argue about those another day.)  On Click, some 1200 people then have to download those messages, read them, realize they're content-free, and delete them, all of which is a tremendous waste of time.

Clear and accurate instructions for unsubscribing are printed at the bottom (and now top, I see!) of every single message posted to Click4HP, along with a list admin's email address you can contact if the instructions *aren't* clear to you or if some other problem crops up.  No list admin ever minds a polite private message asking for help -- really.

Occasionally, a polite notice is posted reminding people of the instructions, in case having them at the bottom (and top) of each message is insufficient -- which it clearly is, since people persist in blithely ignoring the instructions.  If the occasional snark actually works to cut down on accidental administrivia postings to this list or any other, I can live with that.

Robyn Kalda
Health Promotion Information Specialist
OPC Health Promotion Resource Centre
(416) 408-2249 x2226 (New extension as of August 16)
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