Here is something that may be interesting:
We are looking for submissions for the next issue of the Health
Promotion Atlantic (HPA) newsletter. Our Spring issue will focus on
Population health is about the determinants of health which impact on
various aspects of people's lives such as their health behaviours,
health beliefs and health services utilization.
Some of the "Determinants of Health" that have been identified are:
Gender, Culture, Income and Social Status, Social Support Networks,
Education, Working Conditions, Physical Environments, Biology and
Genetics, Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills, Healthy Child
Development, Health Services.
These determinants can be influenced in many ways, including
by: Strengthening community action, Building healthy public
policy, Create supportive environments, Developing personal skills,
Reorienting health services.
Please send your contributions for the Newsletter to [log in to unmask]
The deadline for submissions is: June 12.
If you have not seen HPA and would like to, you can look at the
last issue, March 1998, at:
Health Promotion Atlantic is a collaborative effort by the
Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre (AHPRC), the Community
Health Promotion Network Atlantic (CHPNA) and the Maritime Centre of
Excellence for Women's Health (MCEWH).