Atkinson College recently experimented with sending email to a large
distribution list containing email addresses of present and past students in
the hope of attracting interest in two courses being offered at the college.
While this was done with the best of intentions, an oversight on our part
had the deleterious effect of impacting campus-wide email distribution. The
manner by which the email note was sent allowed recipients to respond to the
entire list, essentially forcing a slowdown on both Atkinson's and York's
email gateway services.
Please accept our apologies if our activities have in any way hampered your
effective use of York email.
As a point of interest, individuals interested in understanding how NOT to
use mass-mailing lists are invited to speak to us or to CNS.
Joseph da Silva
Director, Atkinson Computing Services
Atkinson College, 041
Tel: 416.736.2100 x:40020
Email: [log in to unmask]