PAHO News Index:
This Week:
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Principles of Disaster Mitigation in Health Facilities
"Principles of Disaster Mitigation in Health Facilities" is an updated compilation of various
documents on the topic already published by PAHO/WHO. The book focusses on problems
encountered in areas at high risk for seismic events. It introduces the essential aspects of
carrying out vulnerability assessments and applying practical measures to mitigate damage in
hospitals, addressing structural and nonstructural aspects, as well as administrative and
internal organization.
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Synergy Online Index:
This Week:
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World AIDS Day Breakfast Forum December 1
You are cordially invited by the Pan American Health Organization and the Canadian Society
for International Health to a Breakfast Forum to Mark World AIDS Day, Friday, December 1,
2000, 7.45 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. at the National Press Club, 150 Wellington St., 2nd Floor,
Ottawa. The theme is "Strengthing old and creating new partnerships." The continental
breakfast is complimentary but seating is limited. If you plan to attend, please leave a
message, giving your name and title, at (613) 241-5785, by 9 a.m., Wednesday, November 29.
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Centre for International Health & Development (CIHAD) Seminar Schedule
The CIHAD seminar series started on September 18. Seminars are held on Mondays from
12:30 to 13:30 in Room 1007, Health Sciences Building, University of Ottawa.
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Job Opportunity at PATH Canada: Health Advisor, Malaria/Nutrition
Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is identified. The Health Advisor will act
as a technical advisor to PATH Canada in the area of international health, with a particular
emphasis on malaria control and micronutrient deficiency control. Major responsibilities will
include, but not be limited to, the design, planning and implementation of activities in PATH
Canada projects. Duties will also include providing general support to the PATH Canada
programmes and projects, drafting programe and project updates for PATH Canada
publications, and preparing articles and abstracts for publication.
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CIDA Awards Program for Canadians : 2001 Competition
The CIDA Awards Program provides financial assistance of up to $10,000 to Canadian citizens
and permanent residents of Canada who wish to participate in international development
through a project of their own initiative. The program is offered by the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA) and administered by the Canadian Bureau of International
Education (CBIE).
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WUSC's World Beat Concert : December 5 in Ottawa
The World University Service of Canada (WUSC) will host a World Beat Concert at Barrymore's
in Ottawa on December 5, 2000, the day when the United Nations will declare 2001 the
International Year of Volunteers (IYV). All funds raised for the concert will be directed towards
WUSC HIV/AIDS work in Botswana.
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PS. If you do not have access to the Web, please let us know.
Synergie-en-direct est un service offert par la
Societe canadienne de sante internationale.
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Cette semaine:
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Petit dejeuner et forum pour celebrer la Journee mondiale du sida le 1 decembre
L'Organisation panamericaine de la sante et la Societe canadienne de sante internationale vous
invitent cordialement a participer a un petit dejeuner et forum pour celebrer la Journee mondiale
du sida, le vendredi 1 decembre 2000 de 7h45 a 9h30, au Cercle National des journalistes, 150,
rue Wellington, 2e etage, Ottawa. Le theme est "Renforcer les partenariats existants et en
creer de nouveaux." Le petit dejeuner continental est offert gracieusement, mais les places
sont limitees. Si vous avez l'intention de participer, veuillez laisser un message, en donnant
votre nom et votre titre, au (613) 241-5785, avant 9h00 le mercredi 29 novembre.
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Centre pour la sante internationale et le developpement : Calendrier des seminaires
La serie de seminaires de CIHAD a commence le 18 septembre. Les seminaires auront lieu le
lundi de 12h30 a 13h30, dans la salle 1007 de l'edifice des Sciences de la sante de l'Universite
d' Ottawa.
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Poste Disponible a PATH Canada: Conseiller en sante, Paludisme/nutrition
Nous accepterons les candidatures tant que nous n'aurons pas trouve le candidat ideal. Le
conseiller en sante joue le role d'un conseiller technique aupres de PATH Canada dans le
domaine de la sante internationale, surtout en ce qui concerne la lutte contre le paludisme et
contre les carences en oligo-elements. Les principales responsabilites comprennent, entre
autres, la conception, la planification et la mise en oeuvre d'activites prevues dans les projets
de PATH Canada; un appui general aux programmes et projets de PATH Canada, la redaction
de rapports ponctuels sur les programmes et les projets en cours; et la redaction d'articles et
d'abreges destines a la publication.
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Programme de bourses de l'ACDI a l'intention des Canadiens et Canadiennes, concours 2001
Le programme de bourses de l'ACDI fournit une aide financiere d'une valeur maximale de
10 000 $ aux citoyennes/citoyens canadiens ainsi qu'aux residents permanents du Canada qui
desirent participer a la cooperation internationale par le biais d'un projet developpe de leur
propre initiative. Le programme est offert par l'Agence canadienne de developpement
international (ACDI) et administre par le Bureau canadien de l'education internationale (BCEI).
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Concert de musiques du monde de l'EUMC
L'Entraide universitaire mondiale du Canada (EUMC) presentera un concert de musiques du
monde a Barrymore's, Ottawa, le mardi 5 decembre, 2000, le jour ou l'ONU declarera l'an 2001
comme l'Annee Internationale des Volontaires. Tous les benefices de ce concert seront verses
pour les projets de l'EUMC au Botswana.
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