Sales tax? On books? Bosch!
I live in a state without sales tax--a regressive form of collection based on consumption rather than income or net worth. Why should books be taxed? The next sales tax could be on library card fines.
The spending model which cracked with the Great Recession is not soon to return. People are more cautious about purchases. Tax receipts based on mindless consumption of easy money are no more. The public is best served by discovering a public good together with the honesty of agreeing to fund said good. In Portland, we now fund the Oregon Historical Society through voter approved property taxes. We also have a thriving public library system funded again by voter approved property taxes.
I feel no remorse regarding a general sales tax. Now luxury taxes on jewelry and autos not made in the USA and such I can see as another matter; but a tax on books? Never.
Gordon Snedecor in Portland, Oregon