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Date: | Thu, 1 Mar 2001 12:59:27 -0500 |
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Hi Dennis, yes please so send ma a copy.
-----Original Message-----
From: d.raphael [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 3:43 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: article now available
This was published today. Contact me if you wish a copy.
Raphael, D. (2001). Letter from Canada. Paradigms, Politics, and Principles:
An End of the Millennium Update from the Birthplace of the Healthy Cities
Movement. Health Promotion International, 16, 99-101.
Our Web Sites have information and reports from all of our Quality of Life
In the early hours I read in the paper of epoch-making projects
On the part of pope and sovereigns, bankers and oil barons.
With my other eye I watch
The pot with the water for my tea
The way it clouds and starts to bubble and clears again
And overflowing the pot quenches the fire.
-- Bertolt Brecht
Dennis Raphael, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health Sciences
Graduate Department of Community Health
University of Toronto
McMurrich Building, Room 308
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5S 1A8
voice: (416) 978-7567
fax: (416) 978-2087
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