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Ramsey Badawi - system mgr <[log in to unmask]>
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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 08:54:11 BST
text/plain (383 lines)

        S E C O N D   C A L L   F O R   P A R T C I P A T I O N

                              MEDNET 97


                   Deadline for receipt of abstracts:

                          June 15th, 1997

    Congress Organizers:  The Society for the Internet in Medicine

    Congress Web Page:

This is the second call for participation for MEDNET 97, The World
Congress on the Internet in Medicine. MEDNET 97 builds on the successful
MEDNET 96 which was attended by a large international and multi-disciplinary
group of delegates.

MEDNET 97 will take place in Brighton, UK between November 3-6, 1997.


This document contains the following sections:
        Professional Accreditation
        Scientific Programme
        Virtual Conference
        Congress Proceedings
        Teaching Workshops
        Commercial Exhibition
        The Brighton Skyline Cybercafe
        Congress Timetable
        Important Dates
        Further Information


MEDNET 97 will enable individuals to participate in a programme assembled
from numerous submitted papers providing a varied, stimulating and
informative cross-section of developments in the use of the Internet in Medicine.
The Congress will also contain a wide range of lectures delivered by outstanding

Once again MEDNET will be simultaneously hosting a Virtual Congress,
workshops, Cyber-cafe and a commercial exhibition which will provide
visitors with the opportunity to witness the extensive involvement and innovations
made by commercial organisations in this rapidly developing field.

As well as providing the forum to exchange valuable information MEDNET 97
will provide delegates the opportunity to relax and enjoy the town of
Brighton with its exotic Royal Pavilion and narrow winding Lanes. Delegates
may choose to visit the local Sussex countryside containing many famous
landmarks as part of the varied social programme. The Congress Banquet
will again be held in the historic Old Ship Hotel where last year we
were fortunate to have as our guest speaker Professor Sir Harry Kroto,
1996 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry.

Professional Accreditation

Mednet 97 is accredited by the following professional bodies:

Royal College of Physicians (through the BNMS):

        Maximum of 17 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine:

        Maximum of 17 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

24 hours of PGEA accreditation for General Practitioners has been
applied for, and further appropriate accreditation is being sought.

Scientific Programme

Presentations are invited on all applications of the internet and
intranet in medicine, including the following topics:

Primary care
Medical education
Medical libraries
Access to health and medical information
Hospital management and the internet
The internet in general practice
Basic and clinical research using the internet
Internet security
The internet and the developing world

Information on the submission of abstracts and an web-based submission
formmay be found at

For those authors without internet web access, an electronic submission
form may be obtained on request by e-mailing [log in to unmask] or in
paper form by writing to the MEDNET secretariat at the address given
in the registration section below.

There will be prizes awarded in the following categories:

  Best presentation by a student
  Best poster presentation
  Best electronic poster presentation

Virtual Conference

All accepted presentations to MEDNET 97 will appear in a Virtual
Conference Centre, and the Internet community will be able to enter
into discussions with the authors using e-mail and the World Wide Web.
The Virtual Conference Centre will contain a variety of electronic
forums to facilitate communication, and will be mirrored at key sites on different continents, enabling participation by a world-wide audience.

The Virtual Conference Centre will also contain a virtual exhibition
space, where institutions and commercial companies unable to be
physically present may participate in the event.

While the Virtual Conference Centre will make use of  state-of-the-art
web technologies, the organisers of MEDNET recognise that many virtual
particpants will be limited by band-width issues and older equipment.
Every effort will be made to provide alternative access to the key
features of the Congress for those who do not have the latest hardware
and software.

Congress Proceedings

All accepted abstracts and full transcripts from the virtual conference
will be published on CD-ROM, which may be purchased at registration.

Peer-reviewed full papers arising from the MEDNET 97 will be published
in a special edition of "Medical Informatics".

Teaching Workshops

The MEDNET 97 workshop programme aims to present tutorials to support
both the beginner and the more experienced user of Internet technologies.
Six teaching workshops organised into two streams will be held on
Monday 3rd November.
Stream A is aimed at those with little prior kowledge of the Internet,
while stream B is aimed at intermediate and advanced users.

Stream A:

A1 (Hands-on)
Effective use of the Internet

A2 (Hands-on)
Setting up a web site from scratch

A3 (Hands-on)
Finding and using medical resources on the internet

Workshop A1 "Effective use of the Internet" introduces the basic concepts
of the Internet and shows how the WWW, email, netnews, etc. can be used
effectively by medical professionals.

Workshop A2 "Setting up a web site from scratch" provides practical
guidelines for the construction of WWW pages, together with some
background information on the configuration of WWW servers. It also
includes practical advice on purchasing web space from commercial
Internet Service Providers.

Workshop A3 "Finding and using medical resources on the Internet"
provides a practical introduction to a large number of web sites and
indexes offering useful and accurate information for the medical
professional. This workshop will be re-run on each day  of the conference.

Stream B:

Internet security

Web page design

B3 (Hands-on)

Workshop B1 "Internet security" outlines the key issues of Internet
security for system managers and users, concentrating on practical
techniques to prevent unauthorized access to web servers.

Workshop B2 "Web page design" assumes a basic knowledge of HTML, and
presents some of the more advanced features of HTML as well as tips on
effective web page design.

Workshop B3 "Java" provides an introductory overview of the Java
language, illustrating how it can be used practically and effectively
for WWW programming.

All workshops will produce copies of notes, examples, etc. for the
attendees. "Hands-on" sessions will include interactive use of
computers. Workshop numbers will be limited (for the hands-on sessions
there will be a maximum of two attendees per terminal), and places
will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

Workshop attendance is only open to conference delegates. A small charge
will be levied for each workshop to reserve a place and to cover booking,
administration and photocopying costs.

Commercial Exhibition

MEDNET 97 will feature a large commercial exhibition demonstrating
the contribution of industry to the field of the Internet in medicine.
In parallel with the physical exhibition there will be a virtual
exhibition both for exhibitors present at the conference and for those
unable to physically attend. Updates on the commercial exhibition and
it's virtual conterpart may be obtained from the Congress web page
( or by e-mailing
[log in to unmask]

The Brighton Skyline Cybercafe

MEDNET 97 will be offering a full Cybercafe service in the Brighton
Centre Skyline area which has  a panoramic view across Brighton's
famous seafront.

The organisers understand the role of  ice cream and coffee in optimising
user performance on the net, and will do their very best to provide
attendees with these items.

A range of different operating systems will be supported, and all machines
will be have the newest versions of Internet software installed.
Most workstations will be equipped with a range of "traditional" office
and leisure software and hardware, with CD-ROM and multi-media
capablilities. Fax and printing facilities will also be available.

The organisers aim to install at least 20 wokstations, each with space
for 2 people. During opening hours technical support and supplies will
be available.  At least one supplier of CD-ROM material will be present
in the Cybercafe.

Congress Timetable

Monday 3rd Nov
                Exhibition get-in
                Teaching workshops

                Welcome Reception

Tuesday 4th Nov
                Chairman's introduction
                Scientific sessions
                Commercial exhibition
                Poster viewing
                Repeat workshop "Finding Medical Resources on the Internet"

                Visit Stanmer House - guided tour, buffet supper and village bar

Wednesday 5th Nov
                Scientific sessions
                Commercial Exhibition
                Poster and electronic poster viewing
                Society for the Internet in Medicine AGM
                Repeat workshop "Finding Medical Resources on the Internet"

                Congress Banquet

Thursday 6th Nov
                Scientific sessions
                Repeat workshop "Finding Medical Resources on the Internet"
                Concluding remarks

Important dates:

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 June 1997
Notification of authors: 15 August 1997
Deadline for early registration 31 August 1997
Start of Virtual Conference 20 October 1997

MEDNET '97 Conference: Mon 3 - Thur 6 November 1997

End of virtual conference 31 December 1997


A web-based registration form will be available shortly.

Up-to-date information on registration will be available on the web at:

or contact

MEDNET 97 Secretariat
Centre for Advanced Software Applications
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QH
United Kingdom

Tel: (+44) (0) 1273 678448
Fax: (+44) (0) 1273 671320


Located on the south coast of the United Kingdom, with easy access by
road and rail from London and from Gatwick Airport, Brighton is an
international conference venue. This historic sea-side town offers
high-quality accommodation, restaurants, shopping and entertainment,
and access to the beautiful countryside of the South Downs. The Brighton
Centre itself is a purpose-built conference centre located in the centre
of the town, directly on the sea-front.

Further information:

The Mednet Secretariat may be contacted at [log in to unmask]

For regular updates on the Congress, you may subscribe to the Society
for the Internet in Medicine list-server. Send a message containing
the following two words to [log in to unmask] :

subscribe sim

/                        |                                         \
| Ramsey D. Badawi       |                                         |
| ----------------       |                                         |
| Clinical P.E.T. Centre | INTERNET: [log in to unmask]           |
| Lower Ground Floor     |                                         |
| Lambeth Wing           |                                         |
| St Thomas' Hospital    |                                         |
| Lambeth Palace Road    |                                         |
| London SE1 7EH         | tel: +44 171 922 8106                   |
| UNITED KINGDOM         | fax: +44 171 620 0790                   |
|                        |                                         |
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