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Genevieve Pouponneau <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Canadian Network on Health in International Development <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Oct 1998 17:50:45 -0230
text/plain (199 lines)
Version francaise suit
SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from        
The Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) 
[log in to unmask]
International Health Youth Internships Program
Within the framework of the federal government's Youth Employment Strategy, 
the Canadian Society for International 
Health is offering international health internships for recent graduates 
and undergraduates who are planning a career in health. The Department of 
Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Canadian International 
Development Agency provide funding for these internships.

Contact us if you are a Canadian citizen and have an educational background 
in medicine, social sciences, biological sciences, health administration, 
dentistry, nursing, economics or another health discipline and are 
interested in acquiring experience abroad. Selection for internships will 
take place between July 1998 and September 30, 1998.

Please check the Website for a complete list of internships:
Youth for Health Ukraine-Canada project gets green light
CSIH is pleased to announce that the Youth for Health -Ukraine Canada 
project is now underway. Throughout the course of this year, $4.1 million,
CIDA-funded project, Ukainians will work in partnership with Canadians to 
promote healthy living among Ukrainian youth. Agreements were recently 
signed between CSIH and Ukrainian partners as well as between CSIH and the 
four Canadian partners.

The Youth for Health project activities will take place mainly in Kyiv, the 
capital of Ukraine who can make a positive impact on the situation of 
Ukrainian youth. In Ukraine three ministries are targeted to work with 
Health Canada to develop and implement nationalpolicies to promote healthy 
living among youth. At the city level, the University of Toronto Centre for 
Health Promotion will be working with the Kyiv City Government to build 
capacity in the development and administration of health promotion for 
youth programs. Ukrainian youth, through the Association of Children's and 
Youth Organization (SPOK) will collaborate with the Coty of Toronto Healthy 
City Office to establish a youth resource centre. This centre will develop 
health promotion materials and resources.At the same time, the Ministries 
of Education will work with the Saskatchewan Government to develop and 
implement an integrated health education curriculum into schools. The 
Ukrainian Educational Research Institute of Children's and Teenagers' 
Health from Kharkiv will also be working with Saskatchewan to assess the 
effect of the health education curriculum and thematic packages on targeted 

For more information about Youth for Health please contact Paulette Schatz, 
Project Director at the Canadian Society for International Health: 
[log in to unmask]
Overseas oppertunities with WUSC for 1999-2000
Here are some of the overseas oppertunities for students and professionals 
that are offerede by the World University Service of Canada.

For students:

International Seminar, anglophone program,6 weeks,in Zimbabwe- 1999;TBA 

Applied Research Program:

language depends on placement, 12 weeks in countries where WUSC has field 

Technical Field Internship:

language depends on placement, 12 weeks, in countries where WUSC has field 

For professionals:

Overseas Development Worker Postings,24 months, in various countries

Camp Sadako Program, 5-7 weeks, in a refugee area, in various countries

For further information you can contact them at:

1404 Scoot Street
P.O.Box 3000, Station C
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Y 4M8
web site:
The Canadian Society for International Health gratefully acknowledges the 
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Canadian International 
Development Agency (CIDA) for their financial support of Synergy Online.
SYNERGIE EN DIRECT: Bulletins et nouvelles de 
la Societe canadienne de sante internationale (SCSI), 
[log in to unmask]
Programme de stages pour les jeunes en santé internationale
Dans le cadre de la Strategie Emploi Jeunesse du gouvernement federal, la 
Societe canadienne de sante internationale (SCSI) offre des stages en sante 
internationale aux jeunes recemment diplome(e)s qui visent une carriere en 
sante. Le Ministre des affaires etrangeres et du Commerce international 
(MAECI) et l'Agence canadienne de developpement international (ACDI) 
contribuent financierement a ce programme de stage.

Vous devez etre citoyen(ne) canadien(ne) et avoir une formation academique 
en medecine, sciences sociales, biologie, administration de la sante, 
dentisterie, economie de la sante, sciences infirmieres ou tout autre 
discipline de la sante. La selection des candidats pour les differents 
stages aura lieu de juillet 1998 a septembre 30, 1998.

Consultez notre page web pour la liste complete des stages:
 Projet de sante pour jeune urkrainiens est en marche
La SCSI a le  plaisir de vous annoncer que le projet de sante pour jeune 
Ukrainiens est maintenant en marche. Durant cette periode de quatre ans 
pour lesquelles quatre millions de dollars leurs sont alloues, l'Ukraine et 
le Canada tenteront de promouvoir un mode de vie plus sain, chez ces 
jeunes. Ce projet est subventionne par l'ACDI. Un contrat est signe entre 
la SCSI, les partenaires ukrainiens, quatre autres partenaires canadiens 
ainsi que la SCSI.

Les activites auront lieu a Kiev, la capitale d'Ukraine ou divers organisme 
tenteront de promouvoir de facon positive la situation des jeunes 

En Ukraine, trois ministeres seront cibles dans le but de travailler avec 
Sante Canada au niveau du developpement et de la mise en application de 
politique pour promouvoir la vie saine chez les jeunes Ukrainiens.

Le centre de promotion de la Sante de l'Universite de Toronto travaillera 
de concert avec le gouvernement de la ville Kiev.Par l'entremise de 
l'Association des enfants et organismes pour jeunes collaboreront avec le 
bureau de sante de Toronto a la creation d'un centre de ressource 
exclusivement pour jeunes dans lequel ils developperont des documents 
promotionnels. Le ministere d'education et le gouvernement de Saskatchewan 
travailent eux aussi a mettre sur pied un programme d'education au niveau 
de la sante.

Pour plus d'information sur la sante pour jeune ukrainiens contactez 
Paulette Schatz, la Directrice de projet a la Societe canadienne 
internationale de la sante: [log in to unmask]
Possibilite d'affectation outre-mer avec l'EUMC 1999-2000
L'Entraide universitaire mondiale du Canada offre la possibilite aux 
etudiants et professionnels de participer a plusieurs stages et seminaires.
En voici quelques uns:

Seminaire International: 
programme francophone 6 semaines au Benin - 1999 a confirmer pour l'an 2000

Stage pratique:
12 semaines,dans divers pays ou l'EUMC a des bureaux-terrain

Programme de recherche appliquee:
12 semaines, dans divers pays ou l'EUMC a des bureaux terrain

Pour Professionnels
Postes d'agents de developpement a l'etranger, 24 mois, divers pays

Pour obtenir plus de renseignement communiquez avec l'EUMC :

1404 rue Scott 
C.P. 3000, succursale C
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1Y 4M8
site internet:
La Societe canadienne de sante internationale remercie l'Organisation 
panamericaine de la sante (OPS) et l'Agence canadienne de developpement 
international (ACDI) de leur soutien financier envers Synergy En Direct.
This document is available, with full formatting and 
accents, at:
Ce document est disponible, avec les accents et la mise 
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