Sun, 10 Jan 1999 16:12:37 -0800
Dear Kathy, I have had your last posting sitting in my in-box because I
wanted to get back to you personally to thank you for the clarification
about the Hartford/Burns thing. It seems to have appeared to a lot of us
that Hartford was trying to bribe Burns into featuring It out of proportion
to the total picture. Yet, I have seen all the Burns presentations, and know
that that is impossible. As the current owner/publisher of the Territorial
Enterprise, I know that when they come to do our segment, it will fit
exactly into the whole. No more no less. Burns tells history with
marksmanlike accuracy. This will be an outstanding series, and those of us
who live in the Twain sites like Virginia City will just have to be as
helpful as possible and not try to spend one more moment on stage than we
should. Personally, I can't wait to see how Burns handles Roughing It! ...
and Innocents Abroad! Thanks again for your insight. I'm excited about the
project! Sincerely, Tom Muzzio Publisher..TE VC/NV