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Robert Hirst <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 14:12:33 -0800
TEXT/PLAIN (39 lines)

SLC to John A. Lant, 28 September 1871:

Dear Lant--
        Thank you kindly for the picture of tha baby. But it seems to me
you did not economise material to the best advantage: there is meat
enough in this youngster for *twins.* You could get your family finished
a good deal sooner if you would use more judgment. I wish I could send you
a picture of our baby, but I cannot, for the reason that they are all gone.
        With the best wishes for you & yours---
                                        Yr friend
                                                S. L. Clemens.

A true copy.

Bob Hirst
[log in to unmask]

On Tue, 18 Feb 1997, Marcus W. Koechig wrote:

> If anyone out there has access to the volume of Mark Twain's letters
> covering September 28, 1871, could you please contact me? I am interested
> either the sense of the letter or, if the piece is not too long, the text.
> Thanks in advance.
> Marc
> Marcus W. Koechig
> 26 Oriole Lane
> Trumbull, Ct. 06611-4918
> "...and so there ain't nothing more to write about and I am rotten glad of
> it..." H.F.