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Henry Sweets <[log in to unmask]>
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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 1 Dec 2004 16:43:02 -0600
text/plain (29 lines)
Dear Barb,

Thank you for your interest in the orchestrelle.  While it was here, the
instrument was set up to play a recording for a quarter.  Samuel Clemens
purchased it for his own personal use and therefore did not have it
rigged to require money.  Whatever money was collected from the
orchestrelle went to the general operating fund at the museum.

We hope to have the orchestrelle fully restored so that it can be
played, possibly for concerts.  It would be wonderful to bring the it
back to life and producing music as it was meant to do.

I am nearing the end of my second month as Executive Director at the
Museum.  For those who are familiar with the Museum, Henry Sweets is
here and will remain our Mark Twain expert as curator of the Museum.

We are very excited about the changes happening here.  I hope all
admirers of Sam Clemens and his work will have the opportunity to come
by and see the new exhibits when phase one is completed in early March

To all Forum members, please let me or anyone on the staff know if you
are coming by.  We would be happy to talk about what is happening here
and about plans for the Museum's future.

Again, thank you.

Regina Faden