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Barbara Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Jan 2001 20:16:56 -0600
text/plain (20 lines)
There is an article online today (Jan. 1, 2001) in the San Francisco
Chronicle that may be of interest regarding a series of audio tapes
produced by and available from the University of California, Bancroft

Of special interest to Twain list subscribers will be the two lectures by
Dr. Robert Hirst on Mark Twain titled "Those Were the Days!" and "Heaven on
the Half-Shell."  Hirst tells the story of how Clemens came to the West,
what he did there, and why he stayed longer than he planned, eventually
adopting the name "Mark Twain" to sign his letters to the Virginia City
Territorial Enterprise.  Hirst reads from a number of little known
surviving Twain contributions to  the Territorial Enterprise that have been
recovered by the editors of the Mark Twain Project.  Among these are
"Ministerial Change" and "Explanation of a Mysterious Sentence."
