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Taylor Roberts <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Dec 1996 17:45:03 EST
text/plain (76 lines)
The Mark Twain Forum needs a single reviewer for the following series of
children's books:

     Thomas Gilding.  _Mark Twain & Me, Mikey T._  Illustrations by
     Robert Marr.  Burlington, WI: Mark Twain Entertainment, 1996.  Pp.
     142.  Paper, 5-1/4" x 8-1/4".  ISBN 1-889817-35-X.

     Mark Twain.  _Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog_.  Adapted by Tom and
     Mary Gilding.  Illustrations by Robert Marr.  (Mark Twain Tales,
     ISBN 1-889817-00-7.)  Burlington, WI: Mark Twain Entertainment,
     1996.  Unpaginated.  Paper, 8-1/2" x 11".  ISBN 1-889817-01-5.

     Mark Twain.  _The Buffalo Climbed A Tree?_.  Adapted by Tom and
     Mary Gilding from _Roughing It_.  Illustrations by Robert Marr.
     (Mark Twain Tales, ISBN 1-889817-00-7.)  Burlington, WI: Mark Twain
     Entertainment, 1996.  Unpaginated.  Paper, 8-1/2" x 11".
     ISBN 1-889817-02-3.

     Mark Twain.  _A Fable: A Cat, A Mirror, and A Picture_.  Adapted by
     Tom and Mary Gilding.  Illustrations by Matt Bowers.  (Mark Twain
     Tales, ISBN 1-889817-00-7.)  Burlington, WI: Mark Twain
     Entertainment, 1996.  Unpaginated.  Paper, 8-1/2" x 11".
     ISBN 1-889817-05-8.

The three "Mark Twain Tales" listed above are illustrated short stories
for children based on Mark Twain's original works.  Thomas Gilding's
_Mark Twain & Me, Mikey T._ is a novel for young adults, and the blurb
on the back of the book reads:

     Title: Mark Twain & Me, Mikey T.
     Type of Writing: The Summary
     Author: Mikey Thompson
     Class: Mrs. Kendall (3rd)
     Date: December 10

          My name is Michael Tyler Thompson.  I used to be a lot of
     trouble.  Now, I'm just kind of a little trouble.  I needed to help
     my failing grades, so my teacher, Mrs. Kendall, and I came up with
     a plan.  I "contracted" to write a journal.  I also agreed to do
     all the assigned types of writings for my classes.

          Some strange things happened.  I started to learn about
     writing.  I also started to learn about my hometown and Mark Twain.
     The neat thing is I started to like doing these things.  When my
     teacher said Mark Twain and I were "kindred spirits" because we had
     so much in common, I found out it was true!

          These are all my writings starting from January to now.  If
     you read them, you will learn about my hometown of Hannibal,
     Missouri, you will learn about Mark Twain, you will learn many
     types of writings you need for school, and you will learn about me.
     To summarize, read my writings and learn about Hannibal, writing,
     Mark Twain & me, Mikey T.

As usual, the review must be of publishable quality, and it would be due
within two months of your receipt of the book (i.e., due early-February
1997).  The deadline is particularly important, as we are making every
effort for Forum reviews to appear before print reviews.  If you are
inclined to procrastinate, please don't offer to review the book.

If you're interested in writing this review, please send me both your
home and institutional mailing addresses and phone numbers.  If I don't
already know you, it would be helpful for you to explain in what respect
you're qualified to write this review.  (If we haven't exchanged e-mail
recently, it might be a good idea for you to remind me of this info.)

If you'd like to see some sample MT Forum book reviews, they are
available at TwainWeb (the Forum's web page), at the following URL:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Taylor Roberts
Coordinator, Mark Twain Forum