Tue, 6 Feb 1996 19:37:32 -0600
Hello, my name is Al White and I am a new member of this listserv. I am
not a scholar of Mark Twain, nor do I even have an degree in English! I
am merely a lover of his works. In fact, my interest in Mark Twain came
about in a quite unusual way.
About 10 years ago, I was working in the Archaeological Dept of a local
university that was responsible for doing Archaeological work around Mark
Twain's boyhood home in Hannibal (I am from St. Louis). My part was to
procure, sort and caatgorize artifacts recovered. In fact, one of the
bowls I reassembled (a red and white one) is on display at the museum in
Hannibal. Doing this work lead me to read some of his works.
Among my favorites are the books "Life on the Mississippi" and his
autobiography. My favorite short stories are "The Man that Corrupted
Haddlyburg", "Diary of Adam and Eve" and "Mysterious Stranger".
I really look forward to learning a lot more about this wonderful writer.
Al White