Tue, 1 Mar 2016 12:10:02 +0000
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Dear Chuck,
Good luck with your opus. Funny, I just dug out a piece this morning related to "The Gilded Age." Maybe it will trigger your memory.
Joe McK
Our Gelded Age
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| Our Gelded AgeBy J.F. McKenna Mark Twain remains the nation’s foremost social critic, even now tearing apart our 21st century devotion to the wrongheaded if not half-assed notion... |
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On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 6:49 AM, Charles Robinson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
My name is Chuck Robinson, a PhD candidate at the University of Memphis
who is slogging through his first dissertation chapter.
I'm trying to track down a citation for an article I read months ago and
neglected to archive, an amateur mistake. It deals at length with
chapter 36 of /The Gilded Age, /in which Laura Hawkins goes in to a
bookshop. The article I have in mind was an extended meditation on this
chapter as a kind of wink or literary handshake extended from Twain
toward Howells.
Please help!
- Chuck