Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:08:36 -0500
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I do not know if Boyland ever served as the Clemens family physician, but
there is at least one letter from him to Clemens in the online database of
letters at The text of the letter is not available
online. Boyland and family members are also mentioned in MARK TWAIN DAY BY
DAY resource at Elmira's .
On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 11:56 AM Dennis Eddings <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Jeffrey Savoye, of the Baltimore Poe Society, has made an inquiry of me
> which I cannot answer, so I turn to those more knowledgeable than me (which
> includes just about everyone):
> "This is a pretty obscure request, but I am hoping that you can confirm or
> deny a claim that Dr. George Halstead Boylan was the Twain family
> physician, at least at some point. It is an odd detail, but he was married
> to Ellen Gilmore, who was born at Glen Ellen, an estate that was very near
> where I live. (She was the last of the immediate family to survive, dying
> in 1908.). I am currently writing an informal history of the Dogwood Hill
> Community and the nearby area and it would be a curious bit of trivia to
> include, if true."
> Should any of you have an answer for Jeffrey, you can send it directly to
> him at . [log in to unmask] As always, many thanks to the incredible
> people who inhabit this list.
> dennis eddings