Thu, 12 Jul 2001 13:35:55 -0400
I’m forwarding the following message on behalf of Sue Maher. –Jim
The 36th annual Western Literature Association meeting will be being
held in Omaha, NE this October 17-20. The conference theme is
"Headwaters and Watersheds: Literary Tributaries of the West," so Mark
Twain scholarship is perfect for this meeting. The Twain session this
year will be entitled "Traveling with Twain." Session presenters are:
Chair, Dave Raabe, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Andrew Jewell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, "'How the great do
tumble': Mark Twain's Later Correspondence to the San Francisco 'Daily
Alta California'
Chad Rohman, Dominican University, "Life Down the Mississippi as a Main
Undercurrent in Mark Twain's 'Pudd'nhead Wilson'"
Raychel Reiff, University of Wisconsin-Superior, "To Be or Not To Be:
Mark Twain's Burlesque 'Hamlet'"
Martin Zehr, Research Medical Center, Kansas City, "Twain's Mississippi
and the American West: The Metaphor of Movement"
We are also scheduling sessions on other Twain contemporaries (Ambrose
Bierce, Bret Harte) and 19th-century American literature topics at this
meeting. --Sue Maher, President, Western Literature Association