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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
"Kevin. Mac Donnell" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Jan 2008 12:02:21 -0600
Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
In late 2006 I sent Tom Tenney my lengthy "virtual tour" of Stormfield,
which is accompanied by more than 40 photographs of the interiors and
exteriors of Stormfield, most of them previously unpublished (from my
personal collection), and shows the location from which each photo was taken
and indicates the coverage of each photo as well, all carefully plotted on
the original Stormfield floorplans in a sequence that leads the reader on a
"virtual tour" of the house. My article describes the physical structure of
the home in great detail, and provides details about the subsequent history
and destruction of the home as well, calling upon several obscure and
previously unpublished sources. This will fill a double-issue of the Mark
Twain Journal.

Tom is trying to get the Mark Twain Journal caught up, and has at least one
more pair of issues he must get into print before mine, but hopes my article
will appear by summer. So do I.

Kevin Mac Donnell
Austin TX