Tue, 24 Oct 2000 20:41:46 EDT
It's 37 days prior to the Mark Twain fest --
Man, you wouldn't believe the interest requests!
They call, they fax, they e-mail, too
and soon they'll read it in The Buffalo News
(You'll also find info in the Niagara Gazette
as well as an ad in our Index)
It seems that Twain is a popular man
with a host of Niagara and Erie County fans
Of course it's most important that you be there
to experience this show that's beyond compare
Bring your students, they'll have a blast
and see a great slice of our literary past
For ol' Mike Randall does one helluva' Twain
hel'll inform, entrance, and entertain
As he takes us back 100+ years
when most of the country was still frontier
He talks about life with rapier wit
and offers some of Twain's best-known lit
And Prof. Vic Doyno, a top scholar on Huck
will talk about Jim and the Duke and Buck
Then give us a great theatrical read
of the previously unknown "Cadaver Scene"
Then there's Jo Keogh, who'll tell the tale
of how Twain's white suit was finally unveiled
'Course, Bill Loos will talk about the manuscript
and how Sotheby's he nicely did horsewhip
Errol Craig Sull will do a new rap
'bout Huck and Jim and Tom and Pap
Some students from N.U. will participate --
with some special guests -- it'll really be great!
And don't forget the food and birthday cake
(It's 7 pm in Dunleavy -- don't be late!)
It's an N.U. event you won't want to miss
So Mark November 30th with an asterisk
And if you have any questions, please contact me fast:
the Mark Twain Party will soon be past!
Errol Craig Sull
Director, Annual Mark Twain Birthday