Wed, 15 Oct 2008 18:11:01 -0400
Hi, everyone--
In the light of our talk this past weekend about the future of the MT
House in Hartford, I thought this would be of interest. Maybe you all
received this, too?
Terry Oggel
----- Forwarded by L T Oggel/FS/VCU on 10/15/2008 02:03 PM -----
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10/15/2008 01:28 PM
Pearson Sponsors Save Our Literary Landmarks"
Dear Professor Oggel,
Recently, the historic homes of Herman Melville, Mark Twain and Edith
Wharton, have all suffered from financial troubles and may soon be forced
to close their doors to the public. With your help, Pearson Education can
make a difference. By packaging a Pearson Longman Literature text with a
Penguin novel, you can join Pearson Longman in the challenge to save these
literary landmarks. We will donate $1.00 to the home of your choice, for
every value pack ordered by your bookstore. We will also enter
participating instructors in a raffle to win a weekend excursion to these
historic homes in June 2009. Pearson will provide transportation, food,
and lodging for five winners and their guests. Winners will be announced
March 31, 2009.
For instructions on how to join Pearson in saving these homes and to enter
a raffle for a weekend excursion visit:
If you have questions about any of our texts, please contact your Pearson
representative ([log in to unmask]).
Joyce Nilsen
Marketing Manager, Literature
Pearson Higher Education
51 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10010