Fri, 29 Mar 1996 15:01:09 -0500
According to [log in to unmask]:
> T. Williams was almost certainly Thomas Marion Williams. His calling
> card with his New York address penciled on the back (204-W-96th) is in
> the Mark Twain Papers. On the front, where his name is printed,
> Clemens has written: "He's a fool. Webster could always select a
> fool." Beyond that we have not gone, or perhaps need to go.
> On the other hand, anything Barb finds out about True W. Williams will
> be of great interest to the editors here in the Mark Twain Project.
> We know almost nothing about him beyond what Clemens, Orion, and
> sometimes Bliss have said in their several letters.
> Robert H. Hirst
> General Editor, Mark Twain Project
> [log in to unmask]
As usual, your "almost nothing" eclispes the little I know.