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Mon, 23 Nov 2020 16:45:58 -0500
A great piece of work, Scott, & sure to be valuable.
*Peter Salwen / Pe <>*ter
Salwen Fine Arts <>
114 W 86, NYC 10024 | 917-620-5371
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 3:50 PM Scott Holmes <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I've become dissatisfied with the organization of this site, primarily
> because I did not have a comprehensive plan when I started it. I had
> thought to map out and discuss all the locations mentioned in Twain's
> travel books. I immediately drifted away from that by starting out with
> his North American tour, which is not found in any of his books other
> than a brief mention in Following the Equator.
> Next, I was curious about all the places he didn't mention traveling
> west in Roughing It. I went so far as to include a section on his
> crossing "The Great American Desert". Twain's reference to this desert
> is limited to the Forty Mile Desert, the remains of Lake Lahontan and
> the Carson Sink but the region originally referred to much of the Basin
> and Range province of western North America. Also, I've noted all the
> Pony Express/Overland Stage stations he passed by and may have stopped
> at however briefly.
> Anyway, to remedy my dissatisfaction I'm working on a time line of his
> travels. I'd been relying a great deal on David Fears' Day by Day but
> the on-line version can be difficult to use. It is sorely lacking in
> indexing. What really prompted me, however, was working through the
> index in Rasmussen's Critical Companion, trying to find all the
> locations I'd overlooked so far.
> In the time line I've so far noted the dates of most of his journeys and
> some of the brief stops he made. It does not have a link to the site as
> yet but it is accessible at
> Just thought I'd let you all know what I've been up to.