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Sun, 5 Dec 1993 17:24:06 -0500
text/plain (35 lines)
The following consists of a portion of a chapter on American
literary antisemitism that itself is part of my most recent ms. on
America and the Jews. I am anxious to receive comments, criticism,
elaboration from members of Twain-L. As with many literary geniuses
(and I believe Twain to be America's foremost example), one cannot be sure
when the writer is serious or ironic. Twain, in this sense, reminds me
of Voltaire. When my colleague, chair of our English Dept., put
Twain's essay on the Jews on my desk a few years ago, asking me what I
of it, I was unsure as all getout. But after being driven into a study
of all American literati's attitudes toward Jews, I was not surprised
that even Twain did not completely rise above the antsemitism of his

I have found so many geniuses with moral feet of clay that I would
find it refreshing for members of the Twain List to show me where I
have gone wrong.


Bob Michael

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