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Sender: Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
From: Munkittrick Associates <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 13:34:52 -0500
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On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 1:34 PM, Richey, Ms. Carolyn L <[log in to unmask]>

> Forum Members,
> I sent this out several weeks ago, but want to resend it because the
> deadli=
> ne is approaching.  I look forward to hearing from you.  (Also sorry for
> al=
> l the gibberish before!)
> Once again I am organizing a special session on Mark Twain at the annual
> So=
> uth Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) Conference, Oct. 5-8,
> 2017.=
>   The theme for the conference is "Moving Words: Migrations, Translations,
> =
> and Transformations" and will be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at The
> Renaissanc=
> e Tulsa.  I am organizing this special session because the SCMLA has no
> reg=
> ular session on Mark Twain and I hope to ultimately establish a regular
> pan=
> el.  Please submit abstracts to me by February 28, 2017.  The panel
> descrip=
> tion follows:
> Mark Twain's Moving Words:  The Travels, Texts, and Talks of the Authentic
> =
> American Author
> =20
> Mark Twain's career as a writer and speaker embodies this conference's
> them=
> e of "Moving Words: Migrations, Translations, and Transformations."
> Beginn=
> ing his career as a travel writer, he shared his adventures with the
> world.=
>  As he developed as an author and gained notoriety, Twain transformed the
> A=
> merican style of writing to one that reflects the uniquely American
> experie=
> nce.  Finally, through his lectures and travels across America and Europe,
> =
> he translated the American experience to the world, thus providing an
> inter=
> pretation of what it was and is to be an American.  This panel encourages
> p=
> apers on the various aspects of his career as a writer and lecturer.
> Carolyn Leutzinger Richey
> Tarleton State University
> Department of English and Languages
> Office:  OAG334
> Box T-0-300
> 254-968-9511
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