Sat, 5 Aug 2000 10:02:23 -0000
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As executive coordinator of the Mark Twain Circle, I get some questions
along with the renewal payments from time to time. Here's what came in this
week's mail; can anyone help?
A person is looking for a cartoon of the pope, a king, and a landlord
driving an oafish peasant with pitchforks. She says it is from 1900 or so
when Twain was living in Vienna and wrote a book with a cartoonist. She
doesn't know the title of the book. She is seeking a photocopy of the
I don't have my copy of Carl Dolmetsch's book with me to check on this; any
ideas? The picture sounds like something from "Connecticut Yankee," but that
doesn't match her dates. Thanks for any help!
By the way, maybe I should remind people, while I'm at it, to renew
membership in the Mark Twain Circle of America (or join!). Send a check for
$15 ($16 outside U.S.), payable to Mark Twain Circle of America, to this
John Bird, Executive Coordinator
Mark Twain Circle of America
Dept. of English
230 Bancroft Hall
Winthrop Univ.
Rock Hill, SC 29733
With membership, you get "The Mark Twain Circular" four times a year, edited
by Jim Leonard. You also support scholarly activities related to Mark Twain,
as well as get a warm fuzzy feeling that will make your life worth living
again. Thanks!
John Bird
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