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Errol Craig Sull <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Feb 2000 13:29:16 EST
text/plain (19 lines)
Let me toss a few more ideas around.  As a professor at a university, I'm
going to approach the "powers that be" regarding what can be done about
setting up such a course through them / it.

Second, what we need do is start keeping a list of all who are interested,
this not only for obvious reasons but to also form the basis of a group to
get the parameters, syllabus, et al. put together.

Next, we must look at ALL options for such a course, including:  (1)  through
a university, as a previous member mentioned;  (2)  deciding if we want to
use real time conversations (such as can be done through AOL's IMs and
Yahoo's Messenger) or a course that would function strictly on e-mails (not
my preference, certainly, as the interaction and spontaneity is nil);  (3)
What the course will entail;  (4)  the purpose of the course.  There are many
others I could list, but this will do for starters -- let's get some input
and take this great idea beyond the realm  of great e-mails!
