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Daniel Minchew <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 17 Apr 1996 19:41:28 -0600
text/plain (56 lines)
    Someone on this list might want to honor an outstanding
    postsecondary teacher by making a nomination for the U. S.
    Professor of the Year award sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation
    for the Advancement of Teaching.

    In this program a national outstanding professor is selected from
    each of four types of postsecondary institutions:

                     Research and Doctoral Universities
                     Master's Universities and Colleges
                     Baccalaureate Institutions
                     Community Colleges

    In addition to the National Professor of the Year, Carnegie
    intends to name a State Professor of the Year in all 50 states
    and the District of Columbia. The four National Winners will each
    receive a cash award of $5,000, plus travel to the awards
    ceremony and media events in Washington, DC.

    The 1995-96 National U. S. Professors of the year are:

          Mark Taylor, Williams College
          Diane Keenan, Cerritos College
          Michael Flachmann, California State University, Bakersville
          Howard Goldberg, University of Illinois, Chicago

    The program is administered for Carnegie by the Council for
    Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), which will supply
    entry information necessary to make a nomination upon request to
    Ms. Kim Hughes, at 202 387-4973 (fax), or at e-mail

                                [log in to unmask]

    ELIGIBILITY: An undergraduate teacher. The primary criterion is
    "extraordinary dedication to undergraduate teaching." Nominees
    will be judged on their teaching; service to students,
    institutions, community, and profession; impact on and involvement
    with undergraduate students; and support from colleagues and
    current and former undergraduate students. DEADLINE: June 4, 1996.

    Note: This is a program of the Carnegie Foundation for the
    Advancement of Teaching. ACT's interest is in giving this
    excellent program higher visibility in the hope that more people
    will learn of and nominate deserving teachers of undergraduate

    Daniel Minchew                      [log in to unmask]
    ACT * American College Testing      202 223-2318 - Telephone
    One Dupont Circle, NW, # 340
    Washington, DC 20036-1170           202 293-2223 - Fax