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Mon, 25 Jun 2007 15:39:18 -0700
text/plain (21 lines)
Is anyone familiar with this article which I found in the Coshoctan Democrat
(Ohio) November 2, 1869.   The title reminded me of his later "Mental
Telepathy."  But article quite different.

After "What is your favorite," a list of things including "favorite
occupation?-"Like dew on the gowan--lying." and "If not yourself, who would
you rather be?--The Wandering Jew, with a nice annuity," and "What is your
dream?--Nightmare, as a general thing," and "What are the sweetest words in
the world?--Not guilty."

I know scholars often list newspapers with his articles written around that
time, also remarking "and many other newspapers," but I don't know if there
is a place for serendipitous discoveries to be recorded.  The Coshocton
Democrat is not represented among the aticles mentioned on, but is a newspaper for one of the towns where he

If it is OK to send files to Twain-l, I can send one along.

Arianne Laidlaw