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Gregg Camfield <[log in to unmask]>
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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 11:02:49 -0700
text/plain (23 lines)
Thanks to all who responded to my inquiries about illustrators,
especially to Barb Schmidt and Jim Zwick. While much of the information
was negative, it did help keep me from making mistakes.

I also want to share that Oxford University Press has agreed to put
on-line the bibliography of Mark Twain's works that I've been working on
for _The Oxford Companion to Mark Twain_.  I'll post a URL when they
assign it.  The bibliography as it will be published in the book later
this year is a compilation of bibliographies that I've been able to
find.  Within the limits of time and my knowledge, I tried to decide
what legitimately belonged in and what out, but with over 1400 entries,
many of which are for fugitive pieces, often unsigned, often  in lost
journals, MANY questions remain.  I'm sure I was too conservative in
some cases in excluding pieces; in others I'm sure I  was too liberal in
my inclusions.  What I hope will happen is that all of us together will
over the next few years refine the work, and I'll be able to make
changes in the database as I'm given better information from all of you.
 Thus, within a few years, we should have an accurate and reasonably
complete bibliography of works by Mark Twain universally accessible and
searchable on-line.

Gregg Camfield