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"Michael G. Koopman" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 21 Apr 1995 13:56:01 -0400
text/plain (27 lines)
Marcus W. Koechig of M&M Books makes a point:

" ... Our representatives here in Connecticut have already joined the
herd by not failing to mention the death penalty at least 2 or 3 times
during interviews about the OK City mess."

Does this correspond to the nature of silence here in course of
rhetorical points?  Moreso, fallacy and lying, particularly apropos
immediately after those "Ides of April" thaimes.  Conjugating your
statement with use of praxis it is possible to derive missing or
might we consider them Black (Information) Holes in relational
and rhetorical spaces; poles of sub-harmonic, chaotic coherence.
These are more plainly considered bobo-ous gilded winged cajuns,
but in organic considertions their arizings might hail from some
sunnier southern reaches should triangulation be fully entailed.
Such hectic, haitus transport theories of organized leeches is a
poor traversal and blinds oversight not yacht withstanding.

Summarily, to misquote Al Capone, "Investigating taxing shelters is
bat investment akin to raising stink abott baah divestments."  This
raises many little white feathered birds of ... uhh, umm, klan, yeah
that's it, klan - though klutch might be more eggs-act.


Mike Koopman