In a letter written to Edward Foote, dated March 14, 1906 (reprinted
in _Mark Twain in Eruption_, pp. 86-91) Twain states:
"Eight years ago I quite painstakingly and exhaustively explained
Joseph by the light of the 47th chapter of Genesis, in a North
American Review article which has since been transferred to
volume XXII of my Collected Works; then I turned my attention
to other subjects, under the impression that I had settled Joseph for
good and all and left nothing further for anybody to say about him."
What was the title of the article on Joseph that Twain published
in North American Review? and has it been reprinted? If Volume XXII
of Collected Works was _How to Tell a Story and Other Essays_
(calculated by the list posted to the Forum a few weeks ago) there
is no essay on Joseph in the Oxford edition reprint.
Thanks for any info.