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Sun, 17 Apr 2016 15:31:00 +0000
The Spring 2016 issue of the Mark Twain Journal was mailed to subscribers this week. It honors Henry Sweets of the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum as a Legacy Director and Curator.
The full contents of this Spring issue are posted at Like us on our new Facebook page.
This would be a good time to print the home page at and send it to your public or campus library. The library rate is only $30, and periodicals librarians are receptive to library users’ requests. You could remind your librarian that databases such as JSTOR cannot access the MTJ issues until two years after their publication.
Personal subscriptions ($15 for U.S. addresses) are welcome, but library subscriptions help our authors reach many more people.
Now in its eightieth year of publication, the Mark Twain Journal is affiliated with the Center for Mark Twain Studies at Elmira College and the Mark Twain Circle of America. It remains one of the oldest journals devoted to a single author. Thanks for your support.
The upcoming Fall 2016 issue still has space for a few more biographical and historical articles or critical essays of general interest.
Alan Gribben