Mon, 21 Jun 2021 13:41:14 -0700
Thank you very much for the quick response. I was stepping on my own
feet here as Twain's next lecture, in Brooklyn, is addressed on the next
linked page. I was still thinking that perhaps he returned to Boston
before going to Brooklyn. Thompsonville, CT is not so far afield in
Twain's route as it is just a short jaunt to Hartford from Thompsonville
and then on to Brooklyn.
On 6/21/21 1:09 PM, Munkittrick Associates wrote:
> According to T*he Springfield Daily Republican* (November 30, 1869) Twain
> was to lecture that evening in Thompsonville, Connecticut's North
> Congregational Church on the "Curiosities of California" for the
> "Thompsonviille lecture association."
> Alain Munkittrick, Associate
> Architecture, Interior Design and Space Planning
> PO Box 167
> Cobalt, CT 06414