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Thu, 7 Oct 1999 13:52:11 -0400
text/plain (21 lines)
"Born to Trouble: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Early 2000
This 90-minute program will chronicle the century of controversy
surrounding Mark Twains celebrated novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Huck Finn, a satirical attack on slavery, hypocrisy and prejudice in
antebellum society, ranks as one of our most beloved and banned books in
American public libraries and schools. In Twains time, it was said to
threaten public morality, childhood innocence and the purity of the
English language. In our time, Huckleberry Finn has been charged with
demeaning African Americans and perpetuating racism. This program looks
at the phenomenon of a single work challenged by different groups for
contrasting reasons. Why does this universally admired book offend so
many people? How do we distinguish between a critique of a social
problem-in this case, racism-and the perpetuation of it: is the story of
Huck and Jim really satire, or stereotyping? (One of a four-part series,
Culture Shock; WGBH/PBS; Executive Producer, Jill Janows) "

larry marshburne