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DM Sataari <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 Jun 2023 14:36:11 -0400
text/plain (60 lines)
Yes, I absolutely need this! Please send me the PDF, and thank you!  😍

On Fri, Jun 2, 2023 at 2:33 PM Scott Holmes <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Recently I have been researching the railroads and venues involved with
> Mark Twain's American Vandals Abroad tour.  The lists of his lectures
> mention the stop in Lansing, Michigan's Mead's Hall but there is nothing
> on where this venue was located nor anything about it.  So, I inquired
> of the Capital District Libraries about its location and one Heidi
> Butler replied with a wealth of information on locations and name
> changes but their library did not contain anything about the lecture
> itself.  Of her own volition she asked the Library of Michigan about
> it.  They had an archive of /The State Republican, /a weekly paper that
> published a review of Twain's lecture.  Following is my attempt to
> transcribe the review.  If anyone wants a copy of the pdf Heidi sent me,
> let me know and I will forward a copy.
> *The Lectures of Mark Twain*
> Last Wednesday evening Mead’s Hall was well filled to hear Mark Twain
> discourse on the American Vandal abroad. He is a young man, little over
> thirty years of age, and looks as though he had never been a drawing
> room pet, but had been used to the rough and tumble, the ups and downs
> of life. His wit was eminently dry, and the force of his manner, which
> is natural, and not affected, made it still more striking. He talked
> easily, walking up and down the stage at a pace that slowly marked the
> time of his words. His delightful description of Venice by moonlight,
> the Sphinx, the Acropolis at Athens, were as fine specimens of word
> painting as can be drawn by any other lecturer. Each of these telling
> passages would be followed by some humorous comment that would convulse
> the house with laughter. The lecture was intended to amuse, as well as
> to instruct, and the object was fully attained. A lecturer tells his own
> jokes best, and we will not repeat them. Those who heard appreciated the
> fun, and those who failed to hear, had no business to be somewhere else.
> The Vandal, who yet disgraces the national name in the classic cities of
> the old world, was drawn to the life.
> The real name of Mark Twain is S. L. Clemens, and he was for several
> years city editor of a paper in Virginia City, Nevada, and first
> attracted attention of the reading public by contributions to California
> papers. He was a special correspondent of the New York /Tribune, /and
> everything he writes adds to his reputation as an American humorist. His
> manner is judged by many to be affected on the stage, which is untrue,
> his manner being the same in personal conversation, and an infirmity
> which, as he says, was honestly inherited.
> As a humorist lecturer we have no hesitation in giving Mark Twain a
> decided preference over the renowned Artemus Ward. If Nasby, by the will
> of Lowell, becomes his successor as a humorist, we think Twain is
> destined to more than make good the place formerly filled by Ward. He is
> sure to provoke the hearty laugh that shakes the cobwebs from the ribs.
> And as laughter is no sin, if it takes the proper time to come in, we
> hope Twain will make his calling and election sure, and continue to
> amuse as well as instruct, the grave, austere, American nation.
> --
> /Unaffiliated Geographer and Twain aficionado/