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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 2 Apr 2022 09:04:26 -0400
Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
"Brent M. Colley" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed; DelSp=Yes
To: Mac Donnell Rare Books <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)

The above shows photos both houses.

Quoting Mac Donnell Rare Books <[log in to unmask]>:

> Those with copies of the Mark Twain Journal for Spring/Fall 2006  
> (44:1-2) can make the comparison for themselves. That two-in-one  
> issue prints my virtual tour of Stormfield based mostly on  
> previously unpublished photos of the interior and exterior of the  
> original structure that later burned in the 1920s. It also includes  
> the original floorplans and plat map which are big folding inserts,  
> and of course my essay which describes the physical structure in  
> detail as well as its history. Copies of that issue can be ordered  
> from the MTJ website.
> The present structure more or less sits on the footprint of the  
> original structure and parts of the floor plans do align with the  
> original plans (the library, hallway, stairs, part of the kitchen,  
> etc., but the entire loggia was not rebuilt, nor was the room above  
> the loggia where Twain kept his desk. The pergola at the foot of the  
> pathway is long-gone but its foundation seems to be intact under the  
> lawn, to judge from discoloration of the grass at that location. The  
> steps leading down to the pergola site are intact, but the gravel  
> pathway itself, which could easily be unearthed or recreated is  
> oddly absent. Jean's farm and farmhouse survive nearby but are now a  
> separate property. The owners of Stormfield generously allowed me  
> access to the entire home and grounds years ago, and I spent most of  
> my time studying the cellar (which survived the fire) and the  
> grounds, but I did walk through all the rooms to get a feel for the  
> dimensions and layout. The long hallways and rows of rooms gave it  
> sort of a hotel feel, a big empty hotel. It must have been a very  
> lonely place for an aging widower with one daughter and son long  
> dead, and two living daughters--one estranged and the other striking  
> out on her own. It's no wonder he craved visitors and kept a  
> guest-book to memorialize their visits.
> Kevin
> @
> Mac Donnell Rare Books
> 9307 Glenlake Drive
> Austin TX 78730
> 512-345-4139
> Member: ABAA, ILAB, BSA
> You can browse our books at:
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "Peter Salwen" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: 4/1/2022 11:22:31 PM
> Subject: 30 Mark Twain Lane, Redding, CT
>> Inside, the mansion that replaced Twain's Stormfield seems to have just
>> about nothing to do with the house Sam Clemens built (I guess Kevin can
>> tell us for sure), but this link will let you see for yourself. And the
>> grounds, at least, are worth a visit: