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Mallory Howard <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Oct 2024 19:52:55 +0000
text/plain (720 bytes) , image001.png (97 kB)
Hi everyone!

Hope you are all well. I wanted to share with you an episode of "Grating the Nutmeg" a local podcast about Connecticut history. This one features our very own Kevin MacDonnell, along with a local professor of history, Dr. Camesha Scruggs discussing all things George Griffin along with the photo discovery. Please enjoy! Thank you!

Grating the Nutmeg: 195. George Griffin: Revealing the Life and Likeness of Mark Twain's Butler (<>


Mallory Howard
Assistant Curator
The Mark Twain House & Museum
351 Farmington Ave.
Hartford, Connecticut 06105
