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Fri, 7 Sep 2012 11:32:12 -0500
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In 1978, I was booked by the University of Nebraska to portray Mark
Twain in his early twenties (I was 29 at the time) as well as the 71
year old version I was already performing around the country. We
performed on the Delta Queen and travelled from New Orleans to Cinci
in 11 days. The show was a bit of an extravanganza, and included John
Hartford, Jay McShann, Douglas Edwards, Allen Ludden, and Sheila
McRae. I had my Twain-length hair dyed dark auburn and wore my regular
makeup for the older one. It was a great time1

By the way, my own take on Mark Twain's voice can be heard at
SoundCloud on my page--RichardHenzel. I am currently recording
Chapters From My Autobiography. Yes, I know it's been recorded before,
and I'm no Bronson Pinchot, but I have spent 45 of my 63 years
studying and interpreting out favorite author. Please give it a
listen. Also please check out my Mark Twain In Person Audio Library on
my website, which is my name dot com.

Thanks for your continuing interest in Mark Twain!!

Richard Henzel
Narrator and Publisher, The Mark Twain In Person Audio Library.