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Wolfgang Hochbruck <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 7 Jun 2023 13:58:41 +0200
text/plain (26 lines)
....these Lueneburg scribblers seem to think that Twain was the author 
of _Uncle Tom's Cabin_. How embarassing.


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck
Department of English /
Centre for Security and Society
Albert Ludwigs University
15 Rempart St.
D- 79098 Freiburg

Am 07.06.2023 um 12:24 schrieb Winston Kelley:
> A "Mark Twain Room" is in the Griechenbeisl (restaurant), Vienna, where
> he, among many another celebrity, put his autograph on the ceiling:
> Another curio of potential interst to the forum is the bronze statue of
> Twain seated on a park bench in Lüneburg and the history of how it got
> to be there:
> Happy Trails!
> Winston