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Sender: Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 12:53:46 -0700
MIME-version: 1.0
Reply-To: Kathy Farretta <[log in to unmask]>
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
From: Kathy Farretta <[log in to unmask]>
In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: TEXT/PLAIN (59 lines)
Please note we've extended the deadline for abstracts and panel proposals
to September 30th.  Also, I am happy to announce our keynote speaker: Dr.
Devon Pena, Associate Professor of Sociology at Colorado College.  Please
visit our web site for more information.

    1997 Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Symposium
                 Northern Arizona University
                     Flagstaff, Arizona

                     Call for Papers

Theme: Exploring Issues of Global Diversity in Science, the Environment,
Society, the Arts, and Humanities.

The Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Symposium is organizing its seventh
annual program, to be held on the campus of Northern Arizona University in
Flagstaff, Arizona, November 6-8, 1997. This event is organized by and for
graduate students in all fields of study and in the past has attracted
participants from all over the United States as well as several foreign

Graduate students in all disciplines are invited to submit proposals for
panels or individual papers on topics that relate to Global Diversity.
Panel topics will include, but are not limited to: Social Justice,
Advancing Minorities in the Sciences, Indigenous Women's Issues,
Globalization & Identity, Environmental Justice, International Human
Rights, American Indian Policy: Enduring Issues, Democratic
Environmentalism, and Political Poster Presentations. The Program
Committee is especially interested in new and broad interpretations of the
subject. If there is sufficient interest, a gallery showing of artistic
interpretations, commentary, and music on the topic can be organized as
well. Cash prizes will be awarded for the best four submissions.

Proposals should include an abstract for individual papers. Panel
proposals should include a description of the topic and of the individuals
involved. Students entering papers in the prize competition should submit
a copy of the completed work to one of the co-coordinators. Abstracts and
panel proposals should be sent to the committee by September 30, 1997.
Copies of full papers submitted for award competition must be received by
October 20, 1997.

   Registration Fee: $10.00 and Dinner (Friday, November 7, 1997) Fee:
$10.00/per person.

To submit abstracts, papers, or to receive further information, including
registration materials, contact:

Program Committee: Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Symposium
                 Department of History, Northern Arizona University
                     P.O. Box 6023, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011
                      (520) 523-4378 FAX (520) 523-1277

The GSIS is an excellent opportunity for Graduate Students to present
their work. For further information please contact the co-coordinators:
Kathy Farretta, Dept. of History, 520-523-4378 [log in to unmask]
Karen Ziemski, Dept of Political Science,520-523-9260 [log in to unmask]