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Barry Crimmins <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Apr 2006 16:51:16 -0400
text/plain (14 lines)
You're right, Rather took the bait on a completely plausible story
about Bush's still unexplained absence during his alleged military
service. And you know another great source of fake news, that FOX may
have missed? The Bush- Cheney Administration itself. Consider all the
bunkum they've planted via Armstrong Williams, The Lincoln Group
(planted now discredited stories to sell us the swell war we're in --
at taxpayer expense) and Talon News -- a fake news organization
fronted by a fake newsman but real male prostitute.  Not to mention
their use of the media to expose an entire covert intelligence

Barry-- fully prepared to be chastised for using the Twain forum in a
politically relevant fashion