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"Michael G. Koopman" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Sep 1994 19:35:47 -0400
text/plain (21 lines)
Richard Tuerk,

You have asked for Very Pucilaminous Logos (VPL) and the man on the
street replies by stringing hirs poison, tenticular, rocky web below.
> I'd appreciate any suggestions.

Baum's yellow and green Oz's and CY parallels?  The journeys of both
Huck and Dorothy are likely to share little at a structuralist vantage
unless we associate them with sources both author's took to heart.  Do
you suggest perhaps pre-exilic and post-exilic characterizations?  In
such are you suggesting that the war torn Hank and the regulations the
embittered and fuedal (CY, right?) setting reduce both artists works
to exhortations on the OT?  It seems that Dorothy just makes it to the
liberty of the crossing, which you suggest changes things for the
better, and that Hank is under a code, a taboo, making things worse.
Why don't you get a bit more post-modern and leave the early at home?
The Owl would be to rise, then, before proteus and persius?  Perhaps I
over de construct (of casa grande) and suffer drinking problem?

Mike Koopman