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Sender: Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
From: Shelley Fisher Fishkin <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 13:45:41 -0500
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Reply-To: Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
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Forum on Mark Twain's  "The War Prayer" in Mark Twain Studies
(Japan)  -- Submission Deadline extended to February 1, 2006

Mark Twain Studies Vol.2 No. 1 Special Feature: Twain and Asia

   Despite its importance, Mark Twain's "The War Prayer" has received
almost no critical  attention from scholars. The next issue  of Mark
Twain Studies (Japan),  devoted to "Twain  and Asia," will redress
some of this neglect.

For a special international forum  in volume 2  of Mark Twain
Studies, co-editors Takayuki Tatsumi and Shelley Fisher Fishkin seek
short  commentaries and essays on "The War Prayer."      Essays of up
to 1250 words in length (five pages or under) might consider "The War
Prayer" in relation to the Philippine-American War (which prompted
Twain to write it),  and other writing by Twain inspired by events in
Asia;  in relation to other works by Twain  ( such as Twain's
writings on war, on religion, on strangers, on the "lie of silent
assertion,"  or other themes);  or in relation to works by other
writers (such as anti-war writing by U.S.  and non-U.S. authors).  We
welcome literary, rhetorical, historical, and political analyses,
along with discussions of the place of the text in popular culture in
the U.S. and abroad.  Please email essays by February 1, 2006, to:
Takayuki TATSUMI [[log in to unmask]],  and Shelley Fisher Fishkin
[[log in to unmask]] under the subject-heading "The War  Prayer."
Articles are restricted to unpublished work in English, but articles
that have been  published in languages other than English and papers
that have been delivered at  conferences are eligible when that fact
is noted on the cover sheet.