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Wed, 22 Oct 2008 22:20:15 +0000
text/plain (25 lines)
Keep in mind that, thanks to the number of ancestors we have, that almost
everyone of reasonably pure British ancestry is related in some fashion to
the English Royal Family. Indeed, we are distant cousins of ourselves: we
have 68,719,476,736 great grandparents born in the middle of the eleventh
century, many many times more people than existed in the world. So Sarah
Palin being related to the Queen in no big deal.

And, of course,  much of that is speculation. In the 1930s my grandfather
got interested in family genealogy and developed a family tree going back to
Adam and Eve. He tracked his family, via the Mayflower to England and and
made a connection to British royalty, specifically to the Stuarts. They, of
course, were originally the stewards of the Scottish Royal family, descended
from outlaws banished from Ireland in the 6th or 7th Century. From there, he
went to the Irish genealogy and, to his satisfaction, that they, in turn,
came from Cornwall. Lo and behold there was Veronica  of the Veil and Joseph
of Arimathea, Jesus's cousin. From there it was an easy trip to Matthew for
the balance of the names!

And  how MT would have enjoyed making fun of that list!

Take care,

Bob Huddleston
Northglenn, CO