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"Robert E. Stewart [log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Jan 2015 13:57:44 -0500
text/plain (15 lines)
In 1863, 152 years ago, January 31 fell on a  Saturday, This year Jan. 31, 
2015, falls on a Friday, but it  is nonetheless the 152nd anniversary of the 
first known day Sam  Clemens signed a letter "Mark Twain."
He sent the letter up to Virginia City from Carson City on the Stage,  
arriving there Sunday morning. The Territorial Enterprise typesetters  and 
printers did not work on Sundays, so there was no Monday morning paper.  The 
letter appeared in the Tuesday, Feb. 3, issue.*
Bob Stewart
*the date of publication is inferred, no copies of the Feb. 3 or  4 
Enterprise are known to exist, only the clipping, in Twain's scrapbook.  The letter 
itself is dated in type.