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Frank North <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 19 Jul 1995 11:17:23 EDT
text/plain (55 lines)
It's good to hear you are coming to Hannibal.  I waited awhile to reply to
what others would say about the town and the Mark Twain "industry".  Most of
what has been said is quite true.  However, it is time for a few

Marc:  I regret to inform everyone that _White Town Drowsing_ is out of
so if you have a copy; keep it !

Ted:  The term tourist trap is something we try hard to avoid, although I
admit there are those in Hannibal  who embrace the concept whole-hearted.  I
say that the souvenirs are still inexpensive but the cream pitcher no longer
exsists.  I know because it was our store which sold them.

Michael:  I concur with your suggestion on visiting the Mark Twain
Shrine in Florida, Mo.  The state of Missouri has done a fine job of
the birthplace and Mark's personal items on display. That area of Missouri
is so
beautiful it is sometimes hard to understand why John Clemens would have
to move away.  But that is another debate entirely.   While you are there be
sure to introduce yourself to John Huffman, the site administrator and Mark
Twain Forum member.

Mary:  You are correct,  the cave is 52 degrees and feels good for about the
first 15 minutes.  The problem is there are 20 more chilly minutes left of
tour to listen to your teeth chatter.

Duane:  It is a difficult distinction of "Mark Twain's Home Town" because he
lived so many places.  It is fun for us because of Hannibal becoming St.
Petersburg in _The Adventures of Tom Sawyer_ .  When people bring their
to see Hannibal, they are really visiting the town of  Tom Sawyer.

Since I am in the tourist business here at the book shop, I am always ready
invite anyone to Hannibal and show them just how nice we can be.  Barbara,
you will call 1-314-221-2477, the Hannibal Visitors and Conventions Bureau
be happy to send you some advance literature.

Frank North
Becky Thatcher Book Shop

Please be sure to stop in and introduce yourself.