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"Bird, John C." <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Feb 2019 22:31:50 +0000
text/plain (13 lines)
I am posting this call for papers on behalf of Gretchen Martin. Please respond to her at the address below with proposals.

John Bird

SAMLA -- NOVEMBER 8th – 10th, 2019
Atlanta, Georgia
Power: Elements, Aspects, and Instances in Mark Twain Studies
The Mark Twain Circle invites papers for a panel at the SAMLA 2019 convention that analyze elements, aspects, and instances of power in Mark Twain’s works, including but not limited to his fiction, essays, or autobiography. This panel seeks papers that explore how power is presented in Twain’s works, who holds power, how it is maintained, how power is reinforced, challenged, subverted, or undermined. Other areas of interest include how power is determined or denied based on wealth, occupation, political advantages or disadvantages, gender, race, social status, or other factors, and how characters who lack power navigate within, around, or under powerful characters or institutions. Additional inquires might explore questions regarding the extent to which power contributes to a sense of personal, regional, or national identity, or whether language functions as an indication of power or powerlessness? Other inquiries regarding power are welcome as well.
Send 150-250 word abstracts (electronic submissions are welcome) by May 1st, 2019 to: Gretchen Martin
The University of Virginia’s College at Wise
1 College Avenue
Wise, VA 24293 [log in to unmask]