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Larry Howe <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Jan 2014 11:39:16 -0600
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I'm wondering if anyone else has seen the film _Mud_ (2013) one of the latest films in the recuperation of Matthew McConaughey's career.  I mention it here  because it bears multiple Twain connections. 

Namely, it features a couple of boys (not too far removed from Huck and Tom) who befriend a fugitive on an island in the Mississippi near Arkansas.  The fugitive, the eponymous Mud (McConaughey), subscribes to all kinds of superstitious beliefs including warding off evil sprits with a cross in his boot heel.   Like Twain's Jim, Mud spouts lore about snakebites and near the climax risks his own exposure to the authorities to save one of the wounded boys, who, like Huck in the Grangerford-Shepherdson sequence, served as Mud's go-between to the woman he loves. If these correspondences weren't sufficient, the Twain connection is clinched by the introduction of a loner character named Tom Blankenship (Sam Shepard).   

I'd seen a few reviews of this film, none of which mentioned the connections to _HF_.   Anyone else seen it or know anymore about it?